LPDDR5X RAMSmartphoneSonyUFS 4.0 storageXperia 1 V Sony's Xperia 1 V: Impressive Memory Specs Unveiled, But Is Design Stuck in the Past? Sony Xperia fans can finally breathe a sigh of relief as the memory specifications for the highly anticipated Xperia 1 V have been ...
125W charger5G68W chargeraffordablecameracharging speedEdge+ 2023flagship smartphoneLPDDR5X RAMMotorolapOLED displaypre-orderSnapdragon 8 Gen 2UFS 4.0 Motorola Launches Edge+ 2023 Flagship Smartphone in North America, but with Slower Charging Speeds than in Other Regions Motorola's latest flagship smartphone, the Edge+ 2023, has finally arrived in North America with some notable differences from it...
1200p65 Wh battery8-inch displayA1 ProaccelerometerAMD Ryzen 7 7840UAOKZOEGaming Handheldgyroscopehall effect joysticksIndiegogoLPDDR5X RAMPCIe 4.0RDNA 3TechnologyZen 4 AOKZOE A1 Pro: The First AMD Ryzen 7 7840U Gaming Handheld Is Here! The gaming handheld market has been steadily growing over the years, and AOKZOE has just made an entrance with their latest offering...