AMD has released its latest graphics card, the Radeon RX 7700S, which was unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2023. The Radeon RX 7700S is based on the RDNA 3 architecture and is intended for use in thin and light laptops. According to a recent Geekbench OpenCL benchmark, the Radeon RX 7700S scored 81,145 points in a laptop running AMD's Ryzen 5 7535HS processor. While this represents a 28% improvement over the Radeon RX 6700S, it falls short of the last-generation GeForce RTX 3060, which scored 112,891 points in the same benchmark. The Radeon RX 7700S also lags behind the current-generation GeForce RTX 4060, which scored 101,850 points in the same benchmark.
It should be noted that the Radeon RX 7700S is a watered-down version of the eventual Radeon RX 7700M and RX 7700M XT, and is designed for use in thin and light laptops with a maximum thermal power budget of 100 watts. As such, it may not be expected to perform as well as more powerful graphics cards in certain benchmarks. It is worth waiting for more benchmark data to become available before making a final judgment on the performance of the Radeon RX 7700S.
Despite its underwhelming performance in the Geekbench OpenCL benchmark, it is important to keep in mind that the Radeon RX 7700S is still a mid-range graphics card, and is not intended to compete with high-end graphics cards like the GeForce RTX 3060 or RTX 4060. It is designed for use in thin and light laptops, and has a maximum thermal power budget of 100 watts. As such, it is likely to be more suitable for everyday tasks such as browsing the web, watching movies, and working with office applications, rather than gaming or running resource-intensive software.
It is worth noting that Geekbench is not necessarily the best benchmark for evaluating the performance of graphics cards, and other benchmarks may yield different results. In addition, the performance of a graphics card can also be influenced by factors such as the processor it is paired with, the amount of memory it has available, and the cooling system of the laptop it is installed in. Until more benchmark data becomes available, it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the performance of the Radeon RX 7700S.
In summary, the AMD Radeon RX 7700S is a mid-range graphics card designed for use in thin and light laptops. While it showed a 28% improvement over the Radeon RX 6700S in the Geekbench OpenCL benchmark, it was outperformed by both the last-generation GeForce RTX 3060 and the current-generation GeForce RTX 4060. It is worth waiting for more benchmark data to become available before making a final judgment on the performance of the Radeon RX 7700S.
We invite readers to share their thoughts on the performance of the AMD Radeon RX 7700S in the Geekbench OpenCL benchmark. Did the results surprise you? Do you think the Radeon RX 7700S is a strong contender in the mid-range graphics card market? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to use the hashtag #RadeonRX7700S to join the conversation on social media.