OnePlus is expected to unveil a new smartphone called the 11R in the coming months. According to rumors, the device will have a similar design to the flagship 11, but with different specifications. The 11R is rumored to have the same main rear camera as the OPPO Reno9 Pro Plus, which could include optical image stabilization and phase-detect auto-focus. The 11R is being marketed as the "community-designed" version of the premium smartphone line and is expected to include fan-favorite features such as an IR blaster and the brand's signature Alert Slider.
Leaked images of the 11R suggest it will have a curved display with a 1.5K resolution and a punch-hole for the front-facing camera. It is also rumored to have the same updated charging specifications as the 11. The device is expected to be released in India in early to mid-2023, and possibly in China as the Ace 2.
It's worth noting that these are just rumors at this point and nothing has been confirmed by OnePlus. However, if the rumors are true, the 11R could be a solid mid-range option for Android users looking for a device with premium features. The inclusion of OIS and PDAF on the rear camera would be a welcome addition, and the signature Alert Slider and IR blaster could make it a hit with fans of the brand. It will be interesting to see how the 11R compares to other smartphones in its price range when it is eventually released. Overall, the 11R sounds like it could be a solid addition to the OnePlus lineup and a popular choice among Android users.
We'd love to hear what you think about the rumored OnePlus 11R! Will you be considering this mid-range device for your next smartphone purchase? Share your thoughts in the comments below and join the conversation on social media using the hashtags #OnePlus11R #AndroidSmartphone #MidRangeDevice #OPPO #Reno9ProPlus #OIS #PDAF #AlertSlider. Whether you're excited about the alleged premium features or have reservations about the supposed specifications, we want to hear from you. Let us know your thoughts and don't forget to use the hashtags to join the discussion on social media.